After pursuing medical school, I quickly decided that chiropractic school was a better fit both in manner of philosophy and lifestyle. (I want to actually be able to spend time with my family...)
I graduated in the top 10% of my class from one of the top chiro schools in country. Along with my diplomas, I clung to the adminstration's promises of success and financial security. Unfortunately a saturated market in DFW because of the school and the struggling economy had other plans for my $250,000.00 degree. Too much debt to get a loan to start my own practice, wait-listed as a provider by all the insurance companies, and unable to find an associate doctor's position that carried a salary large enough to even make my student loan payments...I find myself back at square one.
Meanwhile my wife has been quietly going to work as a pediatric critical care nurse and in 6 years has doubled both of our expectations of what she'd possibly earn.
So here I am. Back in school. Learning to be an RN. Learning to support my family. And I hope, learning to be a better man for the process.
September 6
5 months ago