It's been awhile since I've posted. One of the biggest reasons is that I've started an externship in a brand new local hospital, in the ICU. Very exciting really; it pays really well, and most likely will lead to a job when it's all said and done. If I manage not to fark it up that is. And as surprising as it is to say, getting a desirable job has suddenly become more of a challenge than any of my classmates had realized. Stupid economy. Regardless, I've positioned myself to get a really great job on a really great unit, that will give me the critical care experience required for CRNA school application.
The externship has been a fantastic thing--it's unbelievable how much I've learned in the few short months I've worked there. After my first weekend of work, I realized I'd learned more than in all my clinical experiences through school. One of the biggest things I learned is that I really DO have a passion for pediatrics, and it matters much more than I previously thought. Adult ICU is very interesting, and I'm very thankful for my learning experiences.
However, what's got me really excited right now is a possible summer externship program at a local children's hospital. There are two nationally known children's hospitals in the metro area where I live, and my wife works at one, so I have to seek employment at the other. I sought some help from my pediatrics instructor as to what to include in my application, and what not to, and she volunteered to write me a letter of recommendation. She gave me a copy a couple days letter, and it included some of the nicest things anybody has ever said about me.
Anyway, I'm super excited, driving my wife nuts talking about the what if's, and I've only just sent my application in.
September 6
5 months ago