My wife finally relented and allowed the midwife office to schedule her for a sonogram. So Wednesday morning we dutifully showed up at the hospital imaging suite for our (completely unnecessary) 33 week sonogram. All did not go as planned.
After waiting for 30 minutes, we overheard the imaging secretary on the phone with our midwife office requesting our records be faxed over. At this point I'm completely done, we've got our 2 y/o with us and we've just heard that we're going to wait at least another 15 minutes for our chart to show. I went to the window and let the secretary know that we're just going to go on to our midwife appointment, and that we won't be having a sonogram today. Of course the sono-tech just 'happens' to be standing right there also, (shouldn't she be back doing sonograms so that her patients won't have to wait 30 minutes?)
She tells us that since my wife has a previa (she doesn't) it's "REALLY IMPORTANT" that we monitor her placenta. Not in the mood at this point (SHE DOESN'T HAVE A PREVIA,) I just tell her we'll take that up with the ordering practitioner, and we head to the midwife office.
Before the midwife makes it into the room, my wife has convinced me to let her talk first, probably a good idea.
The midwife comes in and immediately starts in on my wife, won't let her get a word in edgewise. I'm biting my tongue but after the midwife starts laying the guilt trip on my wife and my wife is about to start crying, I had had enough. ENOUGH.
I will spare you the grisly details, but I will tell you that I kept my head and my voice even and low, (much to my wife's utter shock.)
When I was done the midwife pulls the oldest trick in the book, "if you're not comfortable maybe you should find another provider."
To which I replied that, "no, we'd just like the provider we've chosen to start collaborating with us, and to start thinking about our baby first, rather than trying minimize her own risk."
I remind her that my wife and I are both well-educated health care professionals, and we only expect from her what we'd expect from ourselves in the same situation.
More silence.
Finally she relents, making us promise that if we experience symptoms that we'll seek treatment right away. (As if we'd have done any less!?!?) And then wanted us to acknowledge that without the sonogram now, if my wife starts bleeding, she couldn't control the outcome as well. (Uh....what? How?) So we acknowledge that.
Then all was right in the world as she happily prattled on about their routine come delivery time.
I just don't understand why it has to be a battle!?!
September 6
5 months ago