Thursday, February 5, 2009

Evolve Quote of the Day #4

Troubleshooting lack of urine output after catheterization:

"If catheter is misplaced in vaginal opening, make a second attempt with another sterile catheter."



  1. LOL A new nurse asked me to go with her and help with her first catheter on a female. This scenario happened...I remember saying "not that hole" and the patient laughed. Yes, we got a new catheter after that. He he.

  2. Vag is not the worst place a cath can accidentally be inserted in.. Haha

  3. I have to say, my one attempt at a Foley cath insertion was quite a anatomy shocker. Not to be graphic but the urethral meatus is not where I though it was supposed to be. Needless to say my catheter did end up in the vagina and thankfully I was prepared with another sterile set up....

  4. We inserted Foley's on the dummies today. My guess is that it will be very little the same in real life...

  5. sooo true drofen... the real thick is sooo slippery, and mushy!

  6. I'm hoping that when you hit the wrong hole, you leave the tubing in place as a marker.

    Once is embarrasing, twice could start a relationship.


  7. You have no idea how often this happens. Seriously.

  8. SAMTNS--too true!

    RW--Who knew! LOL!?!
