Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meme 2008

2008 questions, A meme
Stolen/borrowed from Tiffany.

2008: A Year In Bulletpoints

Q: What did you do in 2008 that you had never done before?
A: Had a son, got admitted to nursing school, watched my mouth.

Q: Did you keep your New Year's resolutions?
A: I think I vowed to lose weight. Eh, didn't do so well.

Q: What would you like to have in '09 that you didn't have in '08?
A: A sense of peace.

Q: What dates from '08 will remain etched upon your memory?
A: Jan 15 officially graduated chiro school. Mar 1 got my chiro license. Jun 1 opened my practice. Oct 1 closed my practice. Dec 10 my son was born.

Q: Did you suffer from any injury?
A: Only my psyche.

Q: Where did most of your money go?
A: Into a failed practice.

Q: What did you get really excited about?
A: Birth of my son and getting accepted to nursing school.

Q: What song will always remind you of 2008?
A: Hmmm, something by Colbie Caillat, or maybe Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park.

Q: Favorite TV shows of 2008?
A: I really liked Hopkins, didn't watch much grown up tv though.

Q: What was your greatest musical discovery?
A: Yeesh, uh, that Keith Urban is a hell of a musician, not just a pretty boy?

Q: Best book you read this year?
A: Operating Instructions by Annie Lamott.

Q: Favorite film of the year?
A: Stranger Than Fiction, probably not released in 08, but I saw it in 08.

Q: Describe your fashion concept of '08:
A: Welcome back to J. Crew.

Q: What celebrities did you fancy the most?
A: Hmmm, Rachel Bilson made a big splash.

Q: Who do you miss?
A: My chiro school buddies.

Q: Biggest achievement?
A: Becoming a dad again, making it through a year of crushing disappointment still a functioning human being--most days.

Q: Did you fall in love in 2008?
A: I think I learned what love is, and it ain't the bubble gum spritzer I used to think it was.

Q: What's one thing that would have made your year more satisfying?
A: Oh, I don't know, maybe being able to actually make a living and support my family. Wow, that sounds bitter.

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